Is Flow The Secret to Happiness?

Flow the secret to happiness

One thing that drew me to study with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy was that one of the program’s focuses was positive psychology. Psychology Today states that Positive psychology focuses on “the character strengths and behaviors that allow individuals to build a life of meaning and purpose—to move beyond surviving to flourishing.”  One of our … Read more

What Happens When You Stop Watching TV

How much time do you spend watching television? In this article, you will learn the benefits of cutting back on TV and what happens when you stop watching TV. According to recent research, binge-watching has sky-rocketed since the pandemic started. People are reportedly binge-watching to pass the time, escape boredom, relieve stress, and cope with … Read more

How Healthy Am I? A Fun Quiz

How Healthy Are You?

Do you wonder about the current state of your health or if you know how to get healthy? Find out where you belong. Are you a health expert, a novice in training, or a complete newbie? Take the How Healthy Am I? quiz to find out. Are you a health expert?  Do you know all … Read more

How to Live with Intention: 10 Steps

Carpe diem! Seize the day!

What if you could have a well-balanced life full of purpose? To wake up each day with intention? Intentional living means living with purpose and doing activities that support your goals. Without intention, you might coast through life on autopilot and live a dull and unfulfilling life. Read on to find out how to live … Read more

The Power and Amazing Benefits of Hobbies

When was the last time you took the time to enjoy yourself by doing something that you love? Do you have a hobby to bide your time during the pandemic? Personal pursuits benefit you in many ways. Hobbies are good for us, providing us with emotional, mental, and sometimes physical health benefits. Hobbies are one way … Read more

How to Develop a Strong Mindset

8 Ways to build strong mindset

As I write this, it’s been ten months since the pandemic took over our lives and around ten months since Broadway and theater shut down. It’s been challenging for everyone. As a mom, I understand other parents’ pain. Our routines have shifted. Many are working at home while also having to make sure our kids’ … Read more